Saturday, January 22, 2011

travel with chibi: hama, syria


  1. people are always friendlier when you go out of the city, isn't it? I wish I have the courage to travel alone in country where they do not speak English!

  2. Patzie> Yea I think the city warps people's minds... all you have to do really is to wear a smile and be ready at playing charades lol no courage needed!

  3. u didnt miss anything about Krispy Kreme. I even think Japanese donuts and even Dunkin Donuts in Japan are much better!

  4. wow, It sounds like you had an amazing trip......and all that good food too!!!!

  5. Patzie> I don't like sounding nationalistic but yes mister donuts is quite nice... but I remember seeing mister donuts in Thailand and they warped the donuts in to neon-colored things that looked like they could dissolve teeth lol

    sight> i did have an amazing trip, made all the more amazing thanks to the good food... i really miss hummus right now lol
